York is a former city within the current city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is located northwest of Old Toronto, southwest of North York and east of Etobicoke, where it is bounded by the Humber River. As a separate city, it was one of six municipalities that amalgamated in 1998 to form the current city of Toronto. The City of York was created by the amalgamation of several villages, including the present-day neighbourhoods of Lambton Mills and Weston. Real Estate Agents in York Region| York Region Realtors
Four public school boards offers schooling to students residing in York, Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir (CSCM), Conseil scolaire Viamonde (CSV), the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), and the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). CSV and TDSB operate as secular public school boards, the former operating French first language institution, whereas the latter operated English first-language institutions. The other two school boards, CSCM and TCDSB, operate as public separate school boards, the former operating French first language separate schools, the latter operating English first language separate schools.
York Memorial Collegiate Institute is one of several public secondary schools located in York. This school had a major fire in 2019. Students were relocated first to George Harvey Collegiate Institute then to the former Scarlett Heights Entrepreneurial Academy.
Before York was amalgamated with the rest of Metropolitan Toronto, the York Board of Education oversaw public secular schools in the former city. As with the other school boards in Metro Toronto, they were amalgamated to form TDSB in 1998. Presently, the school board operates several institutions that offer primary and secondary education. Secondary schools in York that are operated by TDSB include:
Frank Oke Secondary School
George Harvey Collegiate Institute
Oakwood Collegiate Institute (albeit located within Old Toronto proper, but its catchment area includes much of the eastern half of York since the closure of Vaughan Road Academy in 2017)
Weston Collegiate Institute
York Memorial Collegiate Institute
TDSB formerly operated another secondary school in York, Vaughan Road Academy. Opened in 1927, the secondary school was York’s first but was closed on its 90th anniversary in 2017 due to its lack of student population resulting from students in the local catchment area attending other nearby high schools. Vaughan Road Academy is repurposed as a temporary elementary school for students in the Yonge and Davisville area in Midtown Toronto since the 2018–19 school year to accommodate the construction of a new school building.
TCDSB operates one secondary school in York, St. Oscar Romero Catholic Secondary School. Neither CSCM nor CSV operate a secondary school in York, with CSV/CSCM students residing in York attending secondary schools located in adjacent districts of Toronto. Real Estate Agents in York Region| York Region Realtors.